In The News

SCSFA Launches Firefighter Cancer Page

February 19, 2020

The SCSFA has created a page on our website for its members to better understand the new Firefighter Cancer Health Care Benefit Plan - Senate Bill S1071 & House Bill H5139, that have been introduced in the General Assembly.
This page will provide you with firefighter cancer facts, information on the bills, talking points, where the bills are in the legislative process, how to determine who your legislators are and sample letters for communicating with your legislator.
We encourage our membership to contact their legislator(s) and encourage them to co-sponsor the bill; if they are already co-sponsoring the bill-thank them!
The more positive and informative we are when we contact each of our State Senators and Representatives, as we encourage them to support S1071 & H5139 Firefighter Cancer Health Care Benefit Plan, the more likely we will see this legislation become law.

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