Our Mission & History
Our Mission
The South Carolina State Firefighters’ Association was founded in 1905 by a group of determined fire service leaders to work to promote education, training, benefits provision, and legislative representation. Today our mission stands: to serve the membership as the leader in fire service advocacy, benefits, education, and safety, while acting as the steward of the Firemen’s Insurance and Inspection Fund.
Our Values
The South Carolina State Firefighters’ Association expresses a reiteration of the values expressed in the Maltese cross points – representative of the profession which we serve – that are: sympathy, gallantry, perseverance, loyalty, dexterity, explicitness, observation, and tact. The Association feels that sharing of the qualities of our members greater enhances our collaboration and cooperation and best describes how we will conduct ourselves, our business, and our representation for our members.

The Association appoints committees to assess and respond to important issues such as emergency and disaster management, emergency medical services, and other ad-hoc committees as deemed necessary.

Society of the Maltese Cross
The establishment of the Society of the Maltese cross by the South Carolina State Firefighters’ Association in 2010 seeks to recognize those individuals of the SC General Assembly that share in those values and have supported South Carolina Firefighters in meeting those goals.

To ensure member participation and full transparency, the Association seeks to share as much financial information as is possible about the operation of your Association. As such, we offer the latest approved budgets and Association Audit.

SCSFA Hall of Fame
Individuals who receive the Hall of Fame Award are inducted into the South Carolina State Firefighters’ Association Hall of Fame. Those who receive the honor have left a clear mark on the state’s fire service and are recognizable by their peers at the state or regional level for their commitment and contributions.