In The News

SC Firefighters - WE NEED YOUR HELP!

September 15, 2020

Please watch the short video from the SC State Firefighters' Association Executive Director, Charlie King as he asks for your help with the Firefighter Cancer Bill - S1071 "Firefighter Cancer Health Care Benefit Plan". 



The Firefighter Cancer Health Care Benefit Plan, Senate Bill S1071, continues full steam ahead! It passed the Labor Commerece and Industry committee this morning and has already received second reading on the floor before the full House of Representatives.

The bill, as amended this morning, still needs a favorable vote from the full House and the needed funding to make it a reality.

We ask that you take a few minutes and reach out to your legislative members today or early tomorrow and share the following- 1 Thank you for the continued support of FF Cancer and of our states first responders in general 2  Please continue to vote in support of S. 1071 and to find the needed funding to bring the program to life.

We understand and respect that times are tough, but impact cancer is having on our fire service continues everyday. Legislators thus far have been incredibly supportive of this bill and of our fire service and now is the time to share our appreciation for them and their continued support. Go to  for additional information.

Thank you for your continued dedication and support of your Association!

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