S.C. State Firefighters’ Association Officers Section - JOIN TODAY

July 16, 2018

A few years ago, the SC State Firefighters’ Association changed the by-laws to allow for the formation of Sections. A Section is a group of Association members with like interests and goals. At Fire-Rescue 2018, the Association announced the creation of a brand-new Section, the Officers Section, designed to mentor leaders to become more skilled officers.  The mission of this new Section is to provide information, education, services and representation for both volunteer and career officers. This will be above and beyond initial national certification or entry level offerings. This new Section is available to all members who currently or previously held an officer rank in your department.  The goals of the Officer Section are defined as:

As the Officers Section continues to be developed, the following training and education topics are being discussed and planned.  The Officer Section will use multi-delivery methods from state and regional traditional classroom sessions to webinars and online training. The proposed topics include: budgeting and finance, emergency vehicle specifications and purchasing. member and employee relations, interaction with councils, boards and commissions, and developing and giving presentations. Other topics include methods to obtain and use data. building community relations and Strengthening delivery of fire protection. We need you! For the Officer Section to be successful, we need you to engage. The first step is to sign up by simply following the link - https://scfirefighters.org/education/officers-section/ and complete a simple online form.  In the next few weeks, you will receive additional information and a schedule of upcoming events. We look forward to working side by side with you to create a stronger and a more informed fire service.  

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