In The News

Please consider a donation to our Foundation

December 3, 2014

As the year comes to an end, would you consider a donation to the Firefighter Foundation of South Carolina? During the last several years, Foundation donations have been in steady decline, and so we need your help as we continue to encourage regular giving. 

The Firefighters' Endowment Fund was established July 11, 2001 as a Foundation through which firefighters, fire departments, corporations and citizens may contribute financially to promote any of the following:

The firefighters of the state can cooperatively work to find better ways of protecting the lives and property of their fellow citizens from the ravages of fire and disasters. The Foundation is dedicated to the truth that man is at his best when “He’s Helping His Fellow Man.” 

You can mail checks payable to: 

S.C. Firefighter Foundation donation
111 Westpark Blvd 
Columbia, SC 29210  

Donations can also be made online at our website.  All donations are tax-deductible. 

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