Changes to OSHA Firefighter Standards

The Association is aware and familiar with the proposed new 29 CFR 1910.156 regulation and seeks, through this page, to convey the actions and intents of the Association in the adoption and application of this update to the current regulation. This page will offer the reader an overview of the actions and positions of the Association. 

Proposed Standard– Read the proposed Emergency Response Standard in the Federal Register and submit a comment through the public comment portal (deadline is July 22).


January 2024 – Dept of Labor releases the proposed standard

March 2024 – The Executive Committee of the SC Association assigns authors of a position paper

April 2024 – The Executive Committee approves the position paper

April 2024 – The Executive Committee takes the position paper to the federal elected delegation in Washington DC

May 2024 – Creation of the web site and education of the membership

May 2024 – The Association creates a fire service study ad-hoc committee from around the state to prepare and respond

June 2024 – The issue is offered at SC Fire-Rescue

July 22, 2024 - US DOL OSHA public comment period ends

Fall 2024 – The Association enlarges the Ad-Hoc group to include partner/affiliated agencies and organizations

SC State Firefighters' Association Action and Position

Our DRAFT Position

Our Ad-Hoc Committee and Mission

Our Partner's Position


Congressional Activities

The SC State Firefighters' Association is attending meetings with members of Congress as well as hearings related to this proposed standard. Our efforts to educate our congressional delegation is taking effect. 

- Amidst EMS, Firefighter Shortages Biden’s OSHA Hamstrings Emergency Responders Press Release (June 24, 2024)


Call to Action

Your replies to OSAH are important.  But equally important are your department specific impact answers to the linked questions OSHA is asking.  Review these questions to help cater your formal reply.

NPRM Questions and Issues


Please submit a formal comment to OSHA. This is the site where your department specific examples and replies can be filed. You can submit as an individual, an organization or department and even anonymous. This feedback is important to the process and will allow your voice to be heard. 

Federal OSHA Proposed Rule Comment 



It’s important for us to make sure we represent all of our membership. We want to hear directly from you about your concerns with specific examples on how the proposed standard could impact your department. This will assist the Association in representing you in next steps.