In The News

Wives Peer Team being formed

October 10, 2014

The Association’s Firefighter Assistance and Support Team (F.A.S.T.) is beginning a new initiative to form a Wives’ Peer Team in various locations around the state to train and enable wives to be peers to the wives and significant others of our firefighters/first responders in their time of need.

This Wives’ Team will be an integral part of our statewide F.A.S.T. Team already in existence. Members of this Wives’ Team will be F.A.S.T. members and included in all training and other activities with our team. The “Finding Balance” program is one of the initial trainings for our team, and it will be presented at organizational meetings as an introduction to the F.A.S.T. program. After the presentation, we are encouraging open discussion on our proposal and would appreciate questions and input. Please spread the word to your other firefighter/public safety wives and encourage them to attend.

The first of these meetings will be hosted by the Lowcountry Fire Wives on Tuesday, October 28, 2014, beginning at 7:00 p.m., in the training room of the Lowcountry Firefighter Support Team located at 6390 Dorchester Road in North Charleston.  Another meeting is being hosted by the statewide F.L.A.M.E.S. organization at the South Lynches Fire Department Station 4 in Cades, South Carolina on Saturday, November 22, 2014, beginning at 2:00 p.m. A third meeting is being hosted by the Lowcountry Fire Wives on Saturday, December 6, 2014, beginning at 2:00 p.m., in the classroom of the Lowcountry Firefighter Support Team office in North Charleston. We will be scheduling additional meetings in other parts of the state after the holidays so watch for further announcements. You may contact our statewide F.A.S.T. Coordinator Patti Johns at (803) 968-9336 or the Lowcountry F.A.S.T. Coordinator Gerald Mishoe at (843) 609-8300 if you have any questions.

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