What's new with One Percent?

September 17, 2014

WOW! What a great turnout for the 109th Fire-Rescue Conference.  I would like to thank everyone that attended this year’s Firemen’s Insurance & Inspection Fund Seminar.  We had tremendous participation, and I hope the attendees gained some information they were able to share with their departments when they returned home. If you were not able to attend, I would like to highlight some topics of the meeting: With the assistance of our members, I feel we have made vast strides toward improving and protecting this vital fund for our association.  However, over the past three years the trend for departments requiring follow-up audits after their initial audit has remained approximately fifty percent.  I encourage everyone to review the documents that have been posted.  My challenge to all departments is to reduce the number of follow-up audits for next year. If you or your department has any questions regarding the Firemen’s Insurance & Inspection Fund, please do not hesitate to contact me.

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