Walk Like MADD Walk Team Registration

February 28, 2018

The 5th Annual Walk Like MADD

Saturday, April 14th, 2018

  For years I have been promoting the fire service’s participation in regional and state MADD functions.  It is the firefighters and medics who must deal with the carnage on our roadways as a result of drunk driving, so it should be those same firefighters and medics supporting the elimination of drunk driving.  This is a great event that brings families and relatives of victims together with public safety personnel who care.   I am encouraging you, yes you, to get involved and support this important cause.  Go the the MADD website at www.walklikemadd.org/columbia to review the details on this event.  And register today.   For only $20 you can register a team, or join a team already there.   Contact Jeff Allen at the SC State Firefighters Association if you have any questions, either by e-mail at [email protected] or (803) 800-7486. See you on the 14th ! 2018 WLM TEAM FLYER

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