May 30, 2018

The 113th annual SC Fire-Rescue Conference is less than three weeks away which means delegates will be casting their votes for the 4th Vice President by June 15, 2018, so delegates make sure you cast your votes when you receive your email. These emails will go out on June 1 from [email protected]. Only delegates selected by your fire chief will receive the ballot. For information on the candidates, visit the 4th VP candidate's page.    Speaking of voting there is another very important voting opportunity for all South Carolinians and that is the Statewide Primaries which will occur during SCFR18 on Tuesday, June 12th.   Absentee voting for the Primaries is underway at county elections offices throughout the state.  As of today, nearly 15,000 absentee ballots had been issued statewide.  Voters who are age 65 and older, who will be on vacation, or who can’t go to the polls due to their job are all qualified to vote absentee.   The SCSFA encourages its membership and all South Carolinians to vote.  By voting, you are making your voice heard and registering your opinion on how you think the government should operate. With a government elected by its citizens that effects every aspect of our lives from schools to health care to homeland security, voting is an important right in our society. Please visit SC Votes for more information about absentee voting. GET OUT and VOTE!

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