In The News

VA Benefits for our membership

August 3, 2020

Did you know as a firefighter in our great State of South Carolina you can receive benefits as a Military Veteran? Currently, only 19 fire departments in our state and 4 % of the Military Veteran population utilize this program but every fire department can be apart of it.  It does not cost the department any money and the only thing required by each department is to report hours earned by the member/Military Veteran.  If a member/Military Veteran has used part of his or her GI bill, the rest can be used for on the job training.  The benefit return for each Military Veteran above their pay with their department is tax free.  The South Carolina Commission on Higher Education/Veteran Affairs has made the approval process very simple for each department so Military Veterans can take advantage of this program. There is an online application for our Veterans who would like to take advantage of this benefit.   Ross T. Vezin, City of Beaufort/Town of Port Royal Fire Department Chairman, SCSFA Benefits Committee  

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