In The News

Training & Education Fee Update

January 26, 2018

During 2018 Fire Service Improvement Conference (FSI) on January 20, I was afforded the opportunity to speak with our membership on an upcoming change to our Training & Education (T&E) Fee assessment.  As many of our members know, the Fireman’s Insurance & Inspection Fund (1%) was set up for “the betterment and maintenance of skilled and efficient fire departments within South Carolina” and part of this money is assessed a T&E Fee to provide quality training and events for our members.  This T&E Fee was established in our By-laws and approved by the Membership around 2005 for the Executive Committee to establish the rate each year that the funds would be assessed.  At that time, a rate of 2.5% for the first $100,000 and 0.5% afterwards was established and we have consistently kept that assessment for the past 12 years.  But as I disused at FSI and in the video produced by our Association, we have made the decision to raise the T&E from 2.5% to 4.0% on the first $100,000 to continue in our desire to improve our conferences, training, events, and development of skilled firefighters in South Carolina. I ask that you please click on the link below  to listen to our initial plans and formulate any questions that you may have.  Your Executive Committee is willing to meet with you, your department, or any other groups to discuss our future plans with this slight increase in fees.

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