May 14, 2020
Today, the South Carolina State Firefighters' Association releases the seventh edition of Throwback Thursday video sessions. The SCSFA will post on FireWire each Thursday at 10:00 AM videos from our archives. We are sharing these past videos that contain great nuggets of knowledge from past speakers/instructors from our many conferences. So join us at 10AM on Thursdays for Throwback Thursday. Today's edition of Throwback Thursday is from the 2016 Fire-Rescue Keynote Speaker, Lieutenant Patrick C. “Clebe” McClary III, USMC, Ret.
South Carolina
Firefighters' Association
111 Westpark Boulevard
P.O. Box 211725
Columbia, South Carolina 29210
Email: [email protected] Phone: 1.800.277.2732 Fax: 1.803.454.1801
© Copyright South Carolina State Firefighters' Association 2021
Website by 37 Gears