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Throwback Thursday Video Session - "Badges: A Civil War Tradition"

April 9, 2020

Today, the South Carolina State Firefighters' Association releases the third edition of Throwback Thursday video sessions. The SCSFA will post on FireWire each Thursday at 10:00 AM videos from our archives. We are sharing these past videos that contain great nuggets of knowledge from past speakers/instructors from our many conferences. So join us at 10AM on Thursdays for Throwback Thursday. Today's training video is from the SCSFA's History Section by Carter Jones - Past SCSFA Past President, SCSFA Special Projects Coordinator and Volunteer Firefighter with Clarendon County Fire Department. "Badges: A Civil War Tradition", Chief Jones shares the discovery of a firefighter badge worn by a Civil War Soldier in Lexington SC. This intriguing story provides a possible connection between FDNY and Union Soldiers in S.C.

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