The Journey to a New You Begins Today - by Hilary Keeley

January 6, 2014

[caption id="attachment_5853" align="alignright" width="174"] Hilary Keeley, President of Diets4Life[/caption] Happy New Year! It’s my favorite day of the year. It is a day of fresh starts and new beginnings. However, for so many years I would make resolutions on January 1st only to have fallen into my old routine by the end of the month.   Why? I don’t like change. Yes, I knew I needed to make changes in my life. In the past, I have resolved to be a better daughter, friend, wife and mother.  I have resolved to exercise more, to go to church more, to save more.  I have resolved to eat healthier and spend more time with my family. My resolutions were important to me yet I never seemed to achieve any of them. Why? My goals couldn’t be measured.  Once I started setting goals differently, I immediately began to see success. Use these five tips this year to make resolutions that you can keep and let your journey to a healthier you begin in 2014!
  1. Limit your resolutions. Think of a couple of things you really want to work on this year.  Limiting your goals to one or two things makes it easier to focus your attention and your will power.
  2. Set reasonable expectations. If your goal is to lose weight, rather than saying you will exercise every day resolve to exercise 3 days a week. If your goal is to save money, start by resolving to pack your lunch 3 days a week and save the money you otherwise would spend or bring your own snacks to avoid the vending machine or convenience store.
  3. Create a Support System. Tell a family member, friend or co-worker your goals for 2014 so you have support and encouragement. You may need different people to support different goals.
  4. Set milestones to reach your goal and celebrate your success.  Having weekly or monthly check-ins with yourself keeps you on track and helps you to see the progress you have made. If your goal is to lose weight then set a day of the week (I love Wednesday mornings) as your weigh-in day. Wear the same clothes and weigh in at the same time each day. When you lose your first 5 lbs celebrate with a treat (that is not food!).  Do it again every 5lbs.  If your goal is to save money, when you reach your first $100 treat yourself to an extra hour of “me” time.  Set your prize now and make it good so you have something to look forward to earning!
  5. Don’t get Discouraged. Habits are much easier to make than break. We all know someone who has quit smoking or quit drinking for years only to give in once and BAM… back to the drawing board.  The journey to a healthier you begins with the first step. If you have a setback try again. If your goal was important enough to make your top 2 list for 2014 then it is important enough to keep trying.
Whatever your goals for 2014, my wish for you is that you will find good health, wealth from memories created with friends and family, and a happiness that will carry you through the year. About the author: Hilary Keeley is the President and Founder of  For more tips follow Diets4Life on Facebook and Twitter @diets4lifellc .  

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