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Strategic Planning Committee announces objectives for 2023-28

July 20, 2023

The Strategic Planning Committee has released the final objectives for the Association through 2028. The Executive Committee approved the 5-year planning document during its meeting on Tuesday, July 18, 2023.

In his message to the membership, President Burns shares in the opening letter, "The following document is the 2023—2028 Strategic Plan for your South Carolina State Firefighters' Association. The goals and strategies found within outline the next five years and beyond.

The Executive Committee utilizes the Strategic Plan to guide our decision making process for the current operation of the Association and as a roadmap to guide us into the future. The Strategic Planning Committee has worked hard to update this latest revision of the plan using input from our Members, Association Staff, and the Executive Committee. We hope that you will provide any ideas and suggestions that you may have to the Committee by completing any surveys or any other means of solicitation for input that may be presented throughout the year."

Kevin Henson, chair of the Strategic Planning Committee, writes in the Executive Summary, "The Association's leadership and staff are fully committed to achieving these goals and associated objectives. Our primary aim is to provide exceptional customer service and support to our valued members, recognizing that firefighters like you are the greatest asset of the South Carolina fire service."

Core goals of the 2023—2028 Strategic Plan include:

Take a look at the 2023—2028 Strategic Plan

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