In The News


November 15, 2019


Purpose: The purpose of the Phase III Research Study is to determine frequency of firefighter injuries and the various injury reporting processes. Participants will be asked to complete an online survey at the end of each on-duty shift**. The approximate study period is three (3) months. Departments need not have 100 percent participation. Taking part in Phase III is voluntary, and only a small sampling of firefighters on various shifts and duty assignments is needed to be eligible to participate. Firefighters will be required to complete an initial online Pre-Assessment and Consent Form prior to participation in the research study. The overall objective of the Frequency of Reporting Firefighter Injury study is to understand the culture of reporting firefighter injuries (Phase I), identify knowledge gaps in injury reporting processes (Phase II), and work directly with firefighters to collect contextual data (Phase III). This multi-phase analysis will be used to analyze statewide policies and procedures, then identify training gaps that could lead to the implementation of new statewide policies and training to reduce the frequency of injuries happening to South Carolina firefighters each year. To participate in the Phase III Research Study follow the link or scan the QR code on the flyer. **Volunteer firefighters will be asked to complete an online survey at the end of each incident response or training exercise.  FAQs: Who should participate? The Frequency of Firefighters Injury Working Group is seeking a diverse group of volunteer, combination department, and paid South Carolina firefighters to participate in the study. There is no limit to the number of firefighters who can participate. However, some may be denied to maintain an equal balance between volunteer, combination department, and paid participants for statistical purposes. What does the study consist of? After completion of a Pre-assessment and Consent Form, participating firefighters will voluntarily self-report information to the research team through a short web-based survey created using Survey Monkey. Will my information remain confidential? Information collected via the online survey will remain confidential. Participant’s identifiable information is stored separately from responses collected as part of the Firefighter Shift Survey. I just started my career in the fire service, can I still participate? Yes, the Frequency of Reporting Firefighters Injury Working Group encourages everyone from probationary firefighters to veterans with decades of service to participate and complete the research survey to collect data from diverse perspectives for result validation. Do I have to notify my fire chief of my survey participation? No, there is no need to notify your chief. However, the Frequency of Reporting Firefighter Injuries Working Group is taking a top-down approach to encourage as many firefighters as possible to participate in the Injury research study. The Working Group hopes each fire department chief is aware of and encourages participation - even though they may only have a broad knowledge of who may be participating. Who has access to the survey results? The Injury Working Group plans on publishing the results of the study in hopes of improving injury reporting policies, procedures, and implementing measures to reduce firefighter injuries across South Carolina. Study results may be published or presented for research purposes. However, personally identifiable information will not be included without express written consent from the participant. How were the survey questions created? The survey questions were created and reviewed by Injury Working Group members. The survey questions were further validated through pilot tests using State Fire employees. When should the survey be completed? First, firefighter wellness is of the utmost importance. Should an injury occur, the care and treatment of the injury is of the highest priority. The Injury Working Group encourages firefighters to complete the survey at the completion of each shift/duty assignment for paid firefighters or after each incident response or training exercise for volunteer firefighters. However, should an injury occur, the Injury Working Group encourages survey completion only after care and treatment has been rendered. What type of injury do I need to report? The Injury Working Group only requests physical injuries be reported during the survey period. Although the Injury Working Group recognizes the existence of psychological injuries needing critical incident stress debriefing and having life-long effects on firefighters, these are beyond the original intent of the research study. Injuries experienced during each shift/duty assignment for paid firefighters or after each incident response or training exercise for volunteer firefighters should be reported despite whether the participant thinks it is a reportable injury per department standards. I want to participate, who do I need to contact? If you would like to participate in Phase III of our research study, please contact:  

Samantha Quizon                                      -or-                                Julie McCabe

[email protected]                                                         [email protected]

803-896-1250                                                                                  803-896-9893



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