April 24, 2017
South Carolina Society of Fire Service Instructors Request for Nominations The SCSFSI will recognize excellence in instruction at the June 2017 Fire-rescue Conference to be held in Myrtle Beach. The recipients will be selected from those nominated by the ones who know the most of their efforts, the Fire Service of South Carolina. Awards will be presented at the 2017 SC Fire-Rescue Conference, Myrtle Beach, SC. We ask for your nominations for the following awards: Instructor of the Year Qualifications for the award: An Instructor who has taught courses with skill, enthusiasm, and proper teaching techniques. The Instructor will have exemplified the finest of teaching skills, deportment in the classroom and done a creditable job in leading students to accomplish the goals of the class. The Frank Ballentine Instructor Award for Excellence VFIS / Correll Insurance Group sponsors this award for the Instructor exhibiting the finest qualities of an Instructor. The recipient can, but does not have to be a SCFA Instructor. This award can be presented to any Fire Service Instructor / Trainer who shows excellence in Fire Service Instruction. This is for one who has gone more than the “extra” mile in teaching practices and principles. Your letters of nomination should include the reasons you think the person meets the qualifications. Multiple nominations may be made. Please provide your name, address, and telephone number. A committee appointed by the South Carolina Society of Fire Service Instructors will review nominations received by May 15, 2017 . Thank you for your help and consideration in this most important matter. Please send nominations for the awards to: SCSFSI Nominations Attn: Darrell Hood PO Box 1387 Gaffney, SC 29342 Nominations may also be e-mailed to: [email protected] Please note: Nominations must be received by 5/15/2017 (revised date) for consideration. The person nominated MUST be a member of the South Carolina Society of Fire Service Instructors
South Carolina
Firefighters' Association
111 Westpark Boulevard
P.O. Box 211725
Columbia, South Carolina 29210
Email: [email protected] Phone: 1.800.277.2732 Fax: 1.803.454.1801
© Copyright South Carolina State Firefighters' Association 2021
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