South Carolina Fire & Community Risk Reduction Summit

January 28, 2019

A Message from FireSafe South Carolina......    You are invited to the Thursday, Feb. 7 Summit being held at the S.C. Fire Academy Denny Auditorium in Columbia. The daylong event is filled with speakers, vendors, and demonstrations from our national and local partners. Lunch will be provided. Reduction of fire and life safety risk cannot be done by emergency professionals alone. An engaged and proactive community is necessary for effective risk reduction. Learn from our national and local partners how to reduce the risk of fire and other life safety concerns for you and your community.
Participants must register online by Friday, Feb. 1, 2019.
Check out the agenda HERE
All firefighters should visit: All others should visit:…/Registration/registration.aspx… Course Code – 6505, Section Number – 19001
See you there. 

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