March 17, 2020
In an overabundance of caution on behalf of our staff and customer families; the SC State Firefighters’ Association office, located at 111 Westpark Blvd, will close to public access until further notice. Our services offered to firefighters will continue. Staff is available, if needed, and will continue to serve our clients. However, altering our face to face daily contact will only set an example of safety and integrity for emergency response operations. If any services are needed, please feel free to use your normal paths of email or telephone calls. If you must see staff face to face for particular reasons, call and set up an appointment. The only change is that 111 Westpark Blvd will not be open for public access at this time. We look forward to providing the best quality of service to our members and are thankful for your help; in this altered operational model of heightened awareness to health and safety. If you have questions or concerns about this closure: Please contact us at 800-277-2732 and follow the prompts.
South Carolina
Firefighters' Association
111 Westpark Boulevard
P.O. Box 211725
Columbia, South Carolina 29210
Email: [email protected] Phone: 1.800.277.2732 Fax: 1.803.454.1801
© Copyright South Carolina State Firefighters' Association 2021
Website by 37 Gears