In The News
SCSFA Launches COVID-19 Firefighter Resources
March 31, 2020
The S.C. State Firefighters' Association launched today, COVID-19 Firefighter Resources. We hope this resource page will be informative and educational for our Firefighters and their departments while we battle the Coronavirus.
The resources page currently provides:
State & Local Resources - DHEC's COVID-19 First Responder Testing Sites, DHEC (SC Department of Health & Environmental Control) COVID-19 resource web page, Fire Department COVID-19 SOGs/Policies/Documents
Your SCSFA Leadership - SCSFA Executive Committee Videos
National First Responder Resources - IAFC (International Association Fire Chiefs) COVID-19 Resources, CDC (Centers for Disease Control & Prevention) COVID-19 Resources for First Responders & Law Enforcement, and several webinars.
If you have resources that you feel could be of interest such as; SOGs or videos, web sites; please email to [email protected]. The Information will be reviewed to be determined if it should be added to the page.
We hope you, your families and departments stay safe and stay healthy.