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Safety Stand Down theme announced

March 14, 2024

Firefighter Safety Stand Down, June 16-22, a joint effort between the International Association of Fire Chiefs Safety, Health and Survival Section, the National Volunteer Fire Council, the National Fire Protection Association, and the Fire Department Safety Officers Association, is held annual every third week of June and "works to reduce the number of preventable injuries and deaths in the fire and emergency services."

Departments are asked to suspend all non-emergency activities during the week to focus their attention on safety and health education efforts.

This year's theme is “Fire Training: Back to Basic,” focusing on the critical role training plays in a department’s success and the importance of departments building a strong programmatic foundation specific to their training needs.

According to the Safety Stand Down website, "Each day will focus on a different topic within this theme: back to the basics, assessing department and community needs, safety during training, health considerations, and the 10 commandments of training."

Download Safety Stand Down resources.

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