S.C. Fire Academy releases PhotoVoltaic 101

August 3, 2015

The South Carolina Fire Academy’s online learning community is pleased to announce the availability of the new course, PhotoVoltaic (PV) 101. Because of recent legislation, South Carolina will see an increase in Photovoltaic and solar energy systems. This 30-minute online class will assist the responding firefighter in identifying and types of PV systems, locating the PV system on the fire ground and solutions to working around the systems. This class does not require a registration. Click here:  http://scfaonlinetraining.org/mod/page/view.php?id=30900 and create an account; enter the enrollment key, Fire#Solar —it’s just that simple. Firefighter Jones is waiting for you. For more information, please contact our online training staff at [email protected] or (803) 896-0520.

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