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PHMSA Requesting SCBA Cylinders for Testing

December 19, 2013

From the EMR-ISAC Infogram, Volume 13, Issue 47 dated December 12, 2013 The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) is requesting fire departments donate eligible SCBA composite cylinders for research to determine if there is any safety risk associated with their use of beyond the 15 year service life. The project was started at the request of several fire departments having composite cylinders that are reaching the 15 service but may still be suitable for continued use. A sample of at least 100 cylinders is needed for the study. Details about the age, condition, and types of cylinders desired are listed in the notice. If your department has a number of cylinders that are at or nearing the end of their service life, this may be a good option to dispose of them while helping PHMSA with their research needs. Shipping is being paid for by the research contractor; there is no cost to the fire department or donating agency. Research is currently in progress and will be completed no later than May 30, 2014. (Source: PHMSA) The full article can be found HERE.

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