In The News

Patti Johns to start new position as Retention Coordinator

August 5, 2014

We are excited to announce that our Member Services Specialist, Ms. Patti Johns has been selected as the Association Retention Coordinator. Patti officially begins her new responsibilities on August 7, 2014. This position will focus on the retention of fire service personnel within South Carolina and in the South Carolina State Firefighters’ Association through the offering of behavioral wholeness that can only come through the expression and commitment to understanding the needs of the individual in relation to the often harsh experiences of the profession of firefighting. The position will serve a two-fold purpose within the Association: 1) The fulfillment of the grant requirements of the DHS SAFER Recruitment and Retention grant and 2) the perpetuation of the FAST team concept within the Association. Our goal is to provide firefighters with information and training to meet the challenges of their everyday personal and work lives. Please join me in congratulating Patti on this new job!

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