In The News

Online Voting at Fire Rescue 2014

March 30, 2014

Delegate selection has been enabled in the online member management system (MMS). The first test email was sent to 55 delegates on March 28. Online voting will be open from June 6-13, and it will close June 13 at 1:00 PM. Online voting will only be available for the 4th vice-president election (other items such as by-laws changes will be voted on in person during the business sessions).  That's why it is still important for your delegates to attend the conference if possible. If your delegate does not have an email address in the MMS, they will be required to vote using the manual process as in years past. The cutoff date for delegate selection will be June 4 (this MUST be done online in the MMS).  Delegates voting online will need internet access to their registered email account to cast a vote.  The Association will provide computers with internet access during the conference for the online voters who have not cast their vote by 1:00 PM on Friday. Reminder: if the delegate has an email address in the MMS (online database), they will be required to vote online.  All others will be required to vote in person using the manual process.

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