New radio interoperability training available online

October 10, 2013

[youtube][/youtube]   The South Carolina Division of State Information Technology (DSIT) in coordination with South Carolina ETV (ETV) is proud to announce the development of an online communications interoperability training program that was funded by a grant from the US Department of Homeland Security. The purpose of this program is to provide a basic understanding of communications and interoperability for public safety agencies throughout the state of South Carolina. The goal of this free training is to introduce the basics of radio communications and interoperability and to demonstrate the critical importance of effective communication across public safety jurisdictions in South Carolina. This interactive multimedia online instruction, developed with the generous assistance of several public safety agencies throughout South Carolina, is both computer and iPad compatible and includes basic training in Radio Communications 101, Communications Interoperability, Auxiliary Communications Interoperability, and Emergency Telecommunicators Interoperability. Interoperability training overview: Online training modules: [twitter style="horizontal" float="left"][fbshare type="button"] [pinterest count="horizontal"]

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