New online course: Introduction to Technical Rescue

November 17, 2015

S.C. Fire Service, Today, the S.C. Fire Academy is making available online its Introduction to Technical Rescue (3309) course. This certificate course awards two hours of transcript credit and introduces the emergency responder to technical rescue. For Introduction to Technical Rescue (3309) enrollment information, click HERE. Topics for the 3309 course include: Individual disciplines within technical rescue, general information on size-up, scene management, helicopter operations, and victim management. As the foundation for technical rescue responses, this information is valuable to every emergency responder. The 3309 course is also a prerequisite to Technical Rescuer (3310), the revised 3310 Low Angle Rescue. The SCFA Instructional Design team, along with subject matter experts, began the rewrite of 3310 in late 2014. The revision aligned the program with the needs of the state’s fire service as well as NFPA 1006, Professional Qualifications for Technical Rescue. The group identified several areas that could easily be incorporated into an online format. The addition of 3309 allows more time in Technical Rescuer (3310) for skill development and practice. Pilots of Technical Rescuer (3310) begin in December. Barring any unforeseen issues, instructor updates will be scheduled at the end of January. Topics for the 3310 course include: Information on ropes, rigging, and anchors, patient packaging, establishing helicopter landing zones, and use of ladders gins for high point anchors. The 3310 course exam will include information learned in the 3309 class. Finally, dependent on approval from IFSAC, the program will include an option for national certification to Chapter 5 level of NFPA 1006. The certification challenge includes practical skills assessment and written certification exam. The prerequisite for the certification challenge will be 3310 or recognized equivalent training. Additional certification details will be determined in 2016. Thank you for your support as the S.C. Fire Academy continues to improve and provide training programs. If you have any questions, please contact your regional coordinator or a member of our Training Development staff. You can always contact me directly at [email protected]. Fraternally, Rick Dunn Training Development Director S.C. Fire Academy

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