In The News

Neighbors App by Ring

September 23, 2020

The SC State Firefighters' Association is sharing a new form of communicating with your local neighborhood to create safer neighborhoods, promote fire prevention and education. The Neighbors App by Ring, provides local public safety agencies, just like yours, an additional means to educate, prepare and inform residents of important developments through the Neighbors App by Ring, without the clutter and competition for attention that exists on other sites. Neighbors Public Safety Service is free and allows public safety users to:
                      Post important prevention and education tips as well as real time emergency updates to the Neighbors app.                      Join Neighbors as a verified agency to issue alerts, send push notifications and shape the public safety                                    discussion within your community.                      When a fire occurs, enlist the help of your community by requesting videos from users, via Ring, through the video request feature to help determine its                                    cause and origin. We understand your time is valuable, certainly now more than ever. So we created an express 30 minute web demonstration on how Neighbors Public Safety Safety Service can help you increase the reach of critical fire prevention and education messages. To schedule a webinar click here, and a team member will reach out.

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