In The News

Membership Corner: database and membership cards

August 21, 2013

The  Association will be printing membership cards in August for those individuals and/or departments that may not have received them in June. Every member on your roster that you listed as primary (selected "yes") should have received a card. Some of you did not receive a complete set of cards (some of you may not have received any cards) because the primary department field on your membership roster had not been updated. Please do so as soon as possible so we can print another batch of cards this month. Many firefighters are members of multiple fire departments, but they should only receive a card from their primary department (the department that pays their dues).   October is coming! That means you will be receiving your membership invoice very soon.  The invoice total will be based on the current roster information you have entered in the online database. That being said, if you have NOT updated your roster, you may receive an invoice for more members than you actually have. Your department roster should be maintained on a regular basis.  When you add or remove members, make sure you update the database.  If you are the chief of a volunteer department, would you please ensure the "employment status" of each member is correct. Some employment statuses were changed from volunteer to paid. This is important so the association knows how many members are paid and how many are volunteer.  

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