Member Benefits update

September 16, 2014

It is a pleasure to report the past year has been very productive in the area of Member Benefits. Our focus has been to research and obtain more living benefits to be added in conjunction with our rich death benefits already offered to our members. Our focus began with adding more links and resources to our website under the “Members” tab. Members will find resources on all benefits currently offered as well as discounts available to our members at various locations around the state. Our goal continues to be to add restaurants, hotels, businesses, merchandise, rentals, educational opportunities, and other areas that save members money. Working with Zorrina, we have continued to modify our member insurance policies with our insurance vendors to maintain the best coverage for each member. We reached a fork in the road with our current insurance premiums this year as our insurance premium is projected to rise beyond our revenue from membership income. Rather than cutting the benefits being heavily used by our members, we made the decision to increase the annual insurance premium by $5.00. Fortunately, this type of increase not been done since 2008, and we were able to secure additional insurance options at very little cost. As we have shared at all of our Association business meetings, this increase will take place when the invoices are sent to departments in October 2014 for the January 2015 effective date. We are confident our members will be very satisfied with the end products. While I do not have the space to share all the accomplishments and efforts of our committee this year, I do want to thank our members Steve Graham, Wesley Williams, Tres Atkinson, Rusty Jennings, Shawn Petras, and Rick Krob for their service to our membership. I also want to thank Zorrina and Marcia and  the Association staff for supporting and guiding us. Your Member Benefits Committee will be working just as hard this next year to keep adding to and improving  benefits available to our members. We welcome input from the membership and appreciate the opportunity to serve in our first-class Association.

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