Legislative ALERT: Action Needed

May 21, 2014

The Insurance Lobby is, as of this date, actively seeking to have legislation introduced in the House to prevent Fire Departments from billing for services. Representatives are being approached today, with the request to enact legislation that would prevent fire departments from sending a bill for services when responding to any call. No specific bill has yet been introduced, however, House members need to hear from you.

Call your House member today, or tonight, and express to them the need to retain local control of your service billing.  Ensure them that you are not billing frivolously and for calls in which you provide no service.  Billing is for reimbursement of major response expenses and to keep your local system whole when you are expending large amounts to handle traffic or hazardous response emergencies.

The adverse effect of the Insurance Industry efforts would be to prevent any billing from occurring.  We feel this issue should not be introduced at the 11th hour of this session, but should be looked in to and properly vetted and worked through by all parties.

Ask your House member to stop this effort before it hurts your services.

Our Thanks

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