In The News

Invitation to the Spartanburg Burns from Chief Shane Ray

April 15, 2014

Dear Fire Service Colleagues, We are fast approaching our May 2014 “Spartanburg Burns” that will help create a training module to improve firefighter safety. This year, we have six houses for the burn research and our live burn dates include May 15-17 and 19-21. Please join us for one, or more days, to see firsthand fire dynamics research in action. To pre-register, please complete the online form at No one will be admitted to the burn site(s) without proper credentials. If you would like to reserve lunch, please indicate on the pre-registration form (pay on-site). Cash or check only. A special thanks goes to our South Carolina Fire Academy and National Institute of Standards and Technology teams, as well as the Spartanburg Fire Department. This link has more details, including the address for our site parking lot. Hope to see you in Spartanburg in May! Chief Shane Ray

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