Help the Salvation Army this Christmas season

November 21, 2014

From the desk of Chief Butch Womack:

Attention all South Carolina Firefighters,

Please join us during the week of December 8 – 13, 2014 for Red Kettle Week. We will be joining  forces with The Salvation Army to ring the bell at various locations during this time. The Easley Fire Department is asking for all available firefighters to help out during this time for a worthy cause.

Everyone needs to contact their local Salvation Army representative to set up when and where you can help out. There are no set hours or days, so you can help out when you can. A big question that everyone has is what to do with the bucket if you have a call. The answer is simple, take it with you. You can get the money to the representative later.

We would appreciate any help during this time. This is a very worthy cause that affects a lot of people in your local communities. Thank you in advance for your help.

Remember the quote by Evangeline Booth – “…there is no reward equal to that of doing the most good to the most people in the most need.”


Butch Womack, Easley FD

Download the FD Salvation Army flyer

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