In The News

Help SCFA validate Firefighter I and II exams

January 14, 2014

The S.C. Fire Academy is currently working hard to complete the development of the updates to the Firefighter I & II programs, and we need your help finishing the validation the certification exam test banks. The validation process is relatively simple; we convene several subject matter experts (SME) to review purchased test banks and determine if the item meets the intent of the specific level of certification, is the item easily readable and not confusing and is the item worded correctly. We also insure the test item is in the current instructional materials used in the course and class objectives. Once this team completes its work, the changes, deletions and additions are added to the LXR software and certification exams are generated. We plan to convene on January 22nd and 23rd from 9:00 – 4:00 to complete previous work on the new Firefighter I written exam and complete the Firefighter II. These sessions must be held at the Columbia campus of the academy with our staff providing guidance and security of the test banks. Validations are typically for no pay, but we will provide the SMEs with lunch and a small token of our appreciation. We need four to six SMEs for each test validation session (you can do both). You do not have to be an instructor in the subject but must have IFSAC or ProBoard certification currently. If you or someone you feel is qualified is interested in assisting in this process or have any questions, please contact Chris Growley at [email protected] or call him at 803-896-9906. It is our desire to have well written, fair and current written exams that support the mission of the SC Fire Academy’s certification programs and your local department personnel. For us to do this, we need your help.  

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