In The News

Hartsville waives permit fees for homeowners installing fire sprinklers

November 14, 2013

Citing concern “with the need to provide ample fire protection to the citizens and their property” the City of Hartsville, South Carolina has passed a resolution providing incentives to homeowners who install fire sprinklers. The city will be waiving permit fees for newly constructed homes, with a cap of $1,200, and other incentives to subdivisions installing automatic fire sprinklers. With this resolution the mayor and council authorize the city manager to implement a policy to waive permit fees “for those homes not required under current code to install automatic fire sprinkler systems.” The resolution was passed during a meeting on October 8th, and became effective immediately. Bryan Crowley, Fire Marshal of the City of Hartsville Fire Department thanked the South Carolina Fire Sprinkler Coalition for its help. A community information meeting held in mid-September was presented by Kyle Minick, Deputy Fire Chief of the North Charleston Fire Department and chair of the coalition. Visit the South Carolina Fire Sprinkler Coalition website or contact NFPA’s Tim Travers for more information. Download City of Hartsville SC_Residential Sprinkler Resolution 2013   This article was originally published on NFPA's Fire Sprinkler Initiative blog and is used with permission. 

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