Fully Involved Membership

October 30, 2014

President Will Vaigneur has offered the theme for the 2015 S.C. Fire Rescue Conference. He offered: "My theme has always been "Fully Involved Membership."  Now what that means to me is that we provide educational and training opportunities that will benefit our membership no matter their rank or position within their own organization."   S.C. Fire-Rescue will be held on June 8-13, 2015 at the Myrtle Beach Convention Center. Each year, 5,000 firefighters from around the state converge on this training and networking program to better the firefighting profession. President Vaigneur and the Training and Education Committee has chosen the training line up and summarizes this year’s line up: "When we chose the classroom line-up that is the direction I gave to the group.  We tried to find classes for all of our membership – All Companies Involved. Also we chose to use a lot of local talent.  I wanted to get our membership involved in the teaching as well."  The strength of the Firefighters’ Association is the involvement of all members and specifically the Committees that make it work. Hundreds of persons from around the state meet monthly to create and sustain all the Association’s functions. S.C. Fire-Rescue 2015 serves to reiterate that year round effort. President Vaigneur has stated: "I do not want any of our 17,400 members to feel that the conference or the Association does not offer them anything or feel left out.  I will strive to ensure that members understand that every thing the Executive Committee and Staff does is to benefit the membership." Details on the 2015 program can be found at the brand new website: www.firerescuesc.org. Lodging and schedule details are becoming available daily. Save your dates now.

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