In The News

From SC Forestry Commission: Grant funds available for small FDs to purchase slip-on units

February 13, 2024

Doug Wood, Director of Communications
(803) 968-1576 (cell) | (803) 896-8820 (office)
[email protected]

Grant funds available for small FDs to purchase slip-on units
Program seeks to increase wildfire response capacity in rural communities

The Department of the Interior has launched a pilot grant program to strengthen local governments’ wildfire response by helping them convert existing vehicles to wildland fire engines. The program, funded with an initial $5 million investment from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, makes available grant funds so that small, remote emergency response agencies can purchase slip-on tanker units to quickly expand their wildfire response capacity.

Local governments that provide emergency services to areas with a population of 25,000 or fewer are eligible to apply. Grant amounts will range from $10,000 to $200,000. The first round of funding includes $5 million for this program, but the law authorizes $50 million total, which will be offered in successive rounds of funding.

“This is a fantastic opportunity for our state’s smaller, rural fire departments to expand their response capabilities for wildland fire,” said SCFC Fire Chief Darryl Jones. “With most wildfires occurring in sparsely populated areas and our local cooperators often being the first on scene, having slip-on units will greatly enhance their ability to provide initial attack.”

Applications are due by March 21, 2024. To read more details about the program and submit an application, please visit

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As the only state agency responsible for wildfire suppression in all unincorporated areas of the state, the South Carolina Forestry Commission protects nearly 13 million acres from wildland fire. More than 500 county, municipal and volunteer fire departments operate more than 1,100 fire stations in South Carolina. The Forestry Commission cooperates with these departments to prevent and control structural and wildland fires, employing highly trained firefighters and specialized equipment when fires burn into forested areas that are difficult to reach.

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