Firemen’s Insurance & Inspection Fund - Some new changes
June 27, 2017
I would like to take this time to thank our members and their guests who attended the 112th SCSFA Fire-Rescue Conference. Your staff is already diligently preparing for the 2018 SCSFA Fire-Rescue Conference to be held in Columbia, SC. There will be many exciting new events and training opportunities that will be available to all our 17,000 plus members.
I would like to share some new changes that were discussed with our members who were not able to attend this year's Firemen’s Insurance & Inspection Fund meeting. Over the past few years our members have expressed a desire for the maximum allowance for meals to be increased. Upon a recommendation from the State Supervisory Committee, the maximum allowance for Drill Night Suppers will be increased from $10 to $15 per member for each supper. The maximum allowance for the Family/Holiday/Retirement Dinners will be increased from $30 per member plus one guest to $40 per member plus one guest for each dinner.
During our meeting, the SCSFA new concept of Regional Firemen’s Insurance & Inspection Fund Training Sessions was introduced. As you are aware, the SCSFA is charged by State Law with the fiduciary responsibility of the fund. Over the past few years we have collected data from the annual department audits that supports the need for additional training.
Some details of the training are:
- Opened enrollment to all member departments
- Multiple meeting dates will be offered
- Joint effort by the SCSFA and auditing firm of Greene, Finney & Horton, LLP
- Will provide an overview of the Firemen’s Insurance & Inspection Fund guidelines, State Law, submission of forms and accounting requirements for the fund
- Mandatory for departments that receive an unsatisfactory audit grade and require a follow-up audit
As we finalize the details of the Regional Training Sessions, we will inform our membership by posting information on our website.
These changes were recommendations by the State Supervisory Committee and have been approved by the SCSFA Executive Board. If you have any questions in reference to the changes you may contact me to discuss. Thank you in advance for your willingness to help improve the Firemen’s Insurance & Inspection Fund.
If you would like to view a recording of the presentation, click