In The News

Fire-Rescue 2020 Canceled

April 22, 2020

This message is to inform you that, Fire-Rescue 2020 Conference has been cancelled.  A vote was taken this week by the S.C. State Firefighters’ Association’s Executive Committee.  I am as disappointed in this decision that had to be made, as I am sure you are. This was not an easy decision, nor one taken lightly; it is clearly necessary as the expected number of confirmed COVID-19 cases and fatalities in South Carolina will not peak until the first of May and the State’s hopeful return of businesses and activities, safely until late June. The current situation remains dynamic that each day brings a new development and the safety of our members, attendees, sponsors, vendors, and staff always comes first. Fortunately, we still will be able to hold our voting process for Fourth Vice President, as we continue to use electronic voting. SCSFA staff are currently developing a page on that will provide additional information about delegate and voting. We are working on alternative plans to fill the void of 2020 Fire-Rescue.  SCSFA staff are working diligently with our partners to develop virtual training and continue to explore dates for later this year to hold our annual Memorial Service, business meeting and awards banquet.  If you have already made hotel reservations under the SCSFA rooms blocked for 2020 Fire-Rescue, those reservations have been canceled and I would encourage you to follow up with the hotel if you have any questions or issues. If you made hotel or other accommodations with another source other than the SCSFA room blocks, you will need to make contact with them immediately to cancel. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and look forward to greeting you next year. For questions, please feel free to contact us at [email protected] or 800-277-2732. 

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