In The News

Fire and Life Safety Update from Chief Shane Ray

November 19, 2013

Dear Fire Service Colleagues, There are three items that I share with excitement!
  1. Fire Service Improvement Conference
  2. Southeastern Fire School with “Smoke and Fire Cook Off”
  3. Division of Fire and Life Safety “Fire Portal”
The Fire Service Improvement Conference (Jan. 10-12, 2014) has a great line-up of programs in the works with NIST Chief Fire Researcher Dan Madrzykowski and retired Phoenix Fire Chief Alan Brunacini. This free weekend program will be at the SCFA Denny Auditorium and is for everyone. For more information, click here: Secondly, here’s your chance to show off your cooking skills! For the first time, the Southeastern Fire School will include a “Smoke & Fire Cook Off!” We are currently inviting teams to complete in the following categories: BBQ, Beaufort Stew, Chicken, Chili, and Dessert. The Fire School is being conducted the weekend of March 8, 2014. For more information, click here: Lastly, lots of you have been asking me about having a “One Stop Shop” database for all of your Division of Fire and Life Safety needs. For the past several months, our office has been working on a new online database known as the “Fire Portal.” Since its inception, we have added almost 300 fire departments and nearly 600 user accounts. We continue to add more departments and users every day! Any registered firefighter can gain access to update his/her personal information, register for classes (currently limited availability) and view a current transcript. For Fire Chiefs and “Administrators,” part of the service this new “One Stop Shop” database provides is a more streamlined and user-friendly SLED background check system. As such, we are phasing out the “old” SLED background check online process and are asking fire chiefs to utilize the new database. The database has several other features, including the ability to: To gain access to our new “Fire Portal” database, please contact us at [email protected] and we will be happy to set you up with a new user account. Please provide us with your preferred email address. Afterwards, a “donotreply” email, along with instructions, will be forwarded to your account. Thank you for your service and feel free to contact me anytime. In Service, Chief Shane Ray This email was sent from the State Fire Marshal's list serve. You can receive these by email by signing up HERE.

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