In The News

Finance and Audit Committee

October 21, 2019

My name is Marquis Solomon and I am your chairman of the Finance and Audit Committee for your South Carolina State Firefighters’ Association. Our committee has six (6) total members, one (1) serves as the Finance and Audit committee chair who also serves as one of the voting members of the SCSFA Executive Committee. 


Our purpose is to ensure the Association remains fiscally responsible by reviewing financial transactions, as well as monitoring the health of the One Percent (1%) Fund. In addition, we work closely with the in-house Association Accountant, Association President, and Executive Director to develop a responsible, multi-million-dollar budget that best meets the needs of the SCSFA membership.  


Did You Know: The SC State Firefighters’ Association fiscal year Start Oct 1st and Ends September 30th . 

Most members probably believe the Association only generates revenue through the collection of 1% funds; however, we have a variety of revenue streams such as: Action Training, IFSTA, Jones & Bartlett, & Fire Engineering sale and distribution and the South Carolina Fire-Rescue Conference. The revenue generated from these streams are then used to assist in providing the membership with some of the best benefits and resources available to any state-level fire service association.  


The Finance and Audit Committee meets regularly and the Finance & Audit committee chair also reviews and signs each monthly statement and meets with the Association Accountant and Executive Director to discuss any possible discrepancies. Each of these meetings are open for attendance by any member of the Association. We would like to encourage you to participate in any Finance & Audit meeting. 


Did You Know: The Association Budget, Conference Budget, and Recent Audits are posted on the website, under the Data/Records section. 


Your Finance and Audit Committee is committed to serving each member and ensuring the Association continues to be good stewards of its finances.  


2019/2020 Finance & Audit Committee Members 

Marquis Solomon (Chair, City of West Columbia FD) 

Brian Horton (Greenville City FD) 

Ken Taylor (South Greenville FD) 

Randy Arant (Irmo Fire District) 

Harold Smith (Greenville City FD-Retired)

*Bryan Bailey (Association Accountant)

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