Exciting News from the Foundation

June 22, 2017

The SC Firefighers’ Foundation is excited about our new fundraising app. With it we are shooting to raise 1 million dollars to support firefighters and their families. The app only cost $25.00, but when you use it to purchase things you normally buy at over 200 retailer partners you save hundreds of dollars and a donation is made to the foundation. We would like every fire fighter to purchase this app and then share the app with friends and family. You can share on Facebook, Twitter, or email. Each referral you make that purchases the app could result in $10.00 being placed in your app’s wallet. Refer 10 people, earn $100.00, refer 100 people, earn $1,000.00. How easy is that!!! (to earn the $10.00 referral, the person who purchases the app needs to earn $15.00 in cash back rewards in the first 30 days)   Watch this video for how we are going to use the money and how the app will raise funds. Then click on this link to purchase the app!   Make sure every firefighter in your department purchases this app and shares it with others. Help us reach our 1-million-dollar goal to support you and your family. There are few things better you can do each and every day than to contribute to the support of your fellow firefighters and their families through the SC Firefighters’ Foundation fundraiser.  

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