In The News

EMD FY 2019 Hazardous Materials Planning & Training Grant Packages

April 6, 2018

FY 2019 Hazardous Materials Planning & Training Grant Packages have been mailed A copy of the application for the federal Hazardous Materials Emergency Planning (HMEP) grant program has been sent to all South Carolina “Local Emergency Planning Commission” (LEPC) offices. The deadline is May 15, 2018 to have applications returned to the South Carolina Emergency Planning Commission (SCEMD) office. Grants will be awarded for the period beginning October 1, 2018 and ending September 30, 3019. Any South Carolina county government may receive funds through the competitive grant process for the use of the local LEPC for the training of responders, hazmat exercises, hazmat exercise support equipment, and for planning activity that helps meet the responsibilities for LEPC’s as established by the Emergency Planning & Right to Know Act (EPCRA). For the previous fiscal year, grant funds of over $288,000.00 were awarded for South Carolina Fire Academy hazmat and confined space training courses delivered at the local level; Approved hazmat conference attendance, Individual fire department training program projects, Hazmat transportation route studies, Community outreach related to hazmat information, and Commodity studies to identify hazmat target hazards in a county. The grants require a 20% match by the receiving agency, but it is important to note that this share may be partially or fully satisfied by a hard or soft match. Your local county Emergency Management Director or LEPC chair person can provide the details. Multiple LEPC’s can cooperate to conduct a joint planning project or training exercise. As with any federal funding opportunity, the rules and regulations are very specific and should be reviewed closely before beginning any activity using those monies. Emergency response agencies that desire to employ grant funding for allowed activities should contact the appropriate county Emergency Management Director or Chairperson of the LEPC for full details. You may also contact SCEMD’s Training Coordinator, Perry Bailey, at 803 737 8500 or [email protected] for questions concerning existing grant awards or other program concerns.

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