In The News

Coalition Against Bigger Trucks

September 11, 2014

The Coalition Against Bigger Trucks (CABT) is a national grassroots organization that opposes efforts at all levels of government to make trucks longer and heavier. CABT includes state and local law enforcement agencies, state, county and local government leaders, fire fighters and first responders, safety organizations, business groups and other community leaders throughout the U.S. Coalition partners are working hard across the nation to keep bigger trucks off of our highways.

With pressure from some of the country’s largest trucking companies and businesses pushing for increased size and weight limits, several bills in Congress this year would have increased the national truck weight limit to 97,000 pounds—an additional 17,000 pounds to existing truck weight—and other bills called for longer double-trailer trucks and triple-trailer trucks. CABT and other highway safety groups expect these bills to resurface again next session.

Recent polls show that voters oppose bigger trucks, but Congress continues to debate this issue. Another recent survey found that 95 percent of law enforcement officers believe heavier and longer trucks would be more dangerous, and 88 percent of truck drivers believe greater use of longer-combination vehicles would negatively impact highway safety. Please visit CABT's website ( to learn more, and please reach out to your federal and state elected officials.

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