In The News

Chief Shane Ray announces he is leaving to take position with NFSA

May 8, 2014

The message below was sent today to the S.C. State Fire Marshal's email list:

First and foremost, I want you to know it has been an honor to serve the citizens, fire service, and business community of South Carolina. I send this email to inform you I will be leaving as South Carolina’s State Fire Marshal effective July 1, 2014. I love South Carolina, and I am grateful for the support you have shown me. I make this decision because of personal issues and the fact it will allow me to globally expand my role in the fire service.

I am thankful to Gov. Nikki Haley and LLR Director Holly Pisarik for the opportunity to serve you and the citizens of our state. I am also grateful for the trust and confidence placed in me by the team at the Division of Fire and Life Safety and the support of our entire LLR team.

I will not be a stranger to South Carolina, and will always be accessible. I expect our paths to continue to cross as we strive to make our communities, state, nation, and world a safer place to live.

Today, it was announced at the National Fire Sprinkler Association’s Annual Seminar that I will assume the role of Executive Vice President on July 16, 2014. I look forward to returning to an organization that has been a big part of my life and one that has a kindred mission to the South Carolina Division of Fire and Life Safety.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions, comments, and/or concerns.

Again, I thank you for all that you give on a daily basis.

A Grateful,

Chief Shane Ray

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