Black Curtain and Red Ribbons

July 14, 2014

Several years ago after our South Carolina Fire Rescue Conference, I wrote a blog entry concerning how for some time I’d contemplated what exactly occurred behind the black curtain stage right of the cool looking fire truck podium in the main auditorium. Not until becoming actively involved with the South Carolina State Firefighters’ Association and making it behind the black curtain, did I come to know and understand everything our wonderful Association provides its members. That experience opened my eyes because during a visit to the Association office in May of this year, I stepped into the Richard Mincey Boardroom and witnessed two staff members, Zorrina Harmon and Marcia Greer, engaged in an activity so minute I’d never given it a passing thought. Now transition to Saturday morning of the conference as family members, friends, and co-workers of Association members who departed this life during the previous year gather in the Hall of Fame area for our annual Memorial Service. Each of them has a simple, thin, red ribbon pinned to their clothing in honor of the loss they experienced. These ribbons were not purchased at a major retail outlet, but willingly and kindly cut, crossed and pinned beforehand by staffers of your Association. From this day forward, while realizing there’s no sophistication in the process Zorrina and Marcia performed, each time I see each of those red ribbons I’ll be reminded of an act of kindness borne out by individuals dedicated to serving others.

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