Become a HELP Department for Recruiting and Retaining
March 29, 2015
In today’s socio-economic dynamic with our nation’s financial downturn impacting households, communities are reeling with the loss of members from their local volunteer fire department. In homes where multiple wage earners are now often holding more than one job, fire departments are competing for familial free-time. Combining that dilemma with new training and attendance requirements for firefighters, increasing response activities from not only home, business, vehicle and outside fires but also medical, specialty rescues, and hazardous materials emergencies, communities and fire departments are finding it difficult to manage their staffing.
With a steady decline since 1984 in the number of volunteer firefighters nationwide, South Carolina is not immune from the issue. The United States Fire Department profile of 2014 indicates 69% of the total numbers of firefighters in the U.S. are volunteers with 95% of those volunteers protecting communities of 25,000 persons. South Carolina is currently at a volunteer staffing level of 62% but a re-ordered dynamic - a paradigm shift in departmental membership holds the key to improving staffing.
Looking down from "thirty-thousand feet," there are multiple tasks within our fire departments that can be filled with non-firefighting personnel. From driver/operators, rehabilitation unit assistants, scene safety lookouts, traffic control personnel, public information officers, and human resource managers to individuals assigned to station clean up, repairs, and apparatus/equipment readiness, these tasks fulfill organizational and operational parameters and do so with people expressing a willingness and commitment to serve.
Regardless of national origin, creed, religion, sex, gender, or political affiliation, creating a department where it is said, "Here Everyone Loyally Participates," answers your recruiting and retaining needs.
Twenty-six thousand volunteers is possible South Carolina. Institute and become a HELP department today!