April update from Diets4Life by Hilary Keeley

April 4, 2014

Spring! It’s that time of year. The temperatures are rising, the flowers are blooming and you may be looking down at your waistline wondering where that extra layer of love came from.  It’s true. It’s a lot easier in winter with baggy sweatshirts and layers of clothes to avoid reality… those holiday pounds may still be with us regardless of our well-intended New Year’s resolutions. It’s not too late. We can still make life changing decisions today and be ready to shed the layers in time for summer. Try these five easy tips to start moving the scale in the right direction:
  1. Eat Breakfast- it is the most important meal of the day. Skipping meals will only make you hungrier. Starting with a balanced breakfast will kick start your metabolism and help you to make healthier food choices throughout the day.
  2. Pack your Lunch- if you’re like me, whether you eat one meal out a week or ten it’s still a treat not to have to cook. Unfortunately, we often think of our meals out as a treat and we don’t make the healthiest choices. Packing snacks and lunch will not only save you money but it will take the guess work out of choosing your next meal.
  3. Exercise- if you want to be healthier you have to get moving. Easier said than done right? Make a commitment to yourself to get moving three days a week. It doesn’t have to be in the gym. You can walk about your kids baseball game, you can take a family walk after dinner… exercise doesn’t mean getting to the gym it means getting off the couch.
  4. Plan your social outings- if you know you go and watch the game with your friends every week factor in the extra calories several days before. You want to eat wings and beer and let loose because you’ve had a stressful week? Great- just eat a salad or another sensible food choice the day before and the day after.
  5.  Sleep- we all know we make better choices when we’ve had sleep. Food choices are no different. You’re sleep deprived… that doughnut looks amazing… do you have the will power to say no?
About the author: Hilary Keeley is the President and Founder of Diets4Life.org.  For more tips follow Diets4Life on Facebook and Twitter @diets4lifellc .  

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