In The News

Annual Memorial Service honors fallen heroes

April 8, 2021

The South Carolina State Firefighters’ Association annual Firefighter Memorial Service is a century-old tradition that recognizes and honors fallen firefighter heroes before family, friends, and peers. The event has evolved since the Association first recognized its fallen members at the first conference in the fall of 1905.

The event was once a list read aloud, roll-call style. Nowadays, the service includes a sermon, slideshow presentation, with plaques and roses presented to families.

The memorial service evolved once again in 2021, with the COVID19 pandemic forcing life to go virtual. The 2020 memorial service – debuting in 2021 but recognizing those who passed in 2020 – includes a message from current Association President Keith Minnick, a brief sermon from chaplain Gary Rodgers, and the slideshow. The video is now available to view and share.

Those firefighters who passed away in 2020 will also be honored at this year’s Fire-Rescue conference.

Memorializing and honoring SCSFA members who have passed is a privilege, honor and duty of the utmost importance. In a time of immeasurable grief, SCSFA hopes that remembering those who have passed on will help loved ones find peace and closure.

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